90 Miles From Tyranny : There Is No Way To ‘Fix’ The Equality Act. It’s Identity Politics Or Equality Before The Law, And Republicans Must Choose

Monday, May 17, 2021

There Is No Way To ‘Fix’ The Equality Act. It’s Identity Politics Or Equality Before The Law, And Republicans Must Choose

There can be no compromise with those whose political program requires erasing American citizens' constitutionally guaranteed rights to freely speak and freely worship.

On May 15, Fox News reported that three Republican senators would like to write caveats into the Equality Act that might give them the political cover to vote for the bill to criminalize free speech and Christianity in the United States.

“Representatives from the offices of Sens. Thom Tillis, R-N.C.; Rob Portman, R-Ohio and Susan Collins, R-Maine, met with groups including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Concerned Women for America, the Family Research Council and American Principles Project, sources said.”

FRC President Tony Perkins says that wasn’t his group’s goal for the meetings at all. Orthodox faith groups don’t want to be bamboozled into appearing to support a “compromise” on a bill that legally advantages LGBT people to make Christians second-class American citizens and punish free speech, both constitutionally protected rights.

The goal of these discussions, Fox’s sources claim, is to essentially pass a federal law that secures legal preferences for LGBT people while making carve-outs for religious groups. The Equality Act and its weaker competitor, The Fairness For All Act, both would permanently enshrine in federal law President Biden’s executive orders that transgender and de-gender everything the federal government touches, which by now is most of society.

The point of this maneuver is obvious: to fool the religious Americans who largely vote Republican into continuing to do so while Republicans actively undermine their interests and the Constitution.

Pretending a “compromise” is possible here is a fool’s errand in more ways than one. Fundamentally, it’s foolish because it’s not possible to both uphold the U.S. Constitution and...

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1 comment:

  1. Will "no balls" McConnell stand up for Americans?


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