90 Miles From Tyranny : Former FDA Commissioner: China Should Have Blood Samples From Sick Wuhan Lab Workers, Where Are They?

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Former FDA Commissioner: China Should Have Blood Samples From Sick Wuhan Lab Workers, Where Are They?

Would constitute “pretty definitive proof that this coursed through that lab”

Appearing on CBS News’ ‘Face The Nation’ Sunday, former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb pointed out that “definitive” proof that a coronavirus outbreak occurred in the Wuhan lab could be found in blood samples from workers who are now known to have fallen sick and been hospitalised in November 2019.

When asked if he believes China knows where the virus really originated, Gottlieb replied “They would know the answer to the question because they would have blood samples from the workers in that lab.”

“And that’s the evidence that they haven’t made public,” he continued, adding “If, in fact, the blood samples show that a high prevalence of people in that lab have been exposed to this virus, that’s pretty definitive proof that this coursed through that lab.”

“They would also have the samples from the time that they were first drawn, which was the time when they had those illnesses,” Gottlieb asserted.

“There’s no question that when they had an outbreak of an illness in that lab that they would have done routine blood sampling in that lab. That’s just normal controls in a lab of that quality. So they would have that information,” he emphasized.


During the interview, the former FDA head also noted that China has refused to provide basic information that would allow the origin of the virus to be investigated.

Gottlieb also urged that...

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