90 Miles From Tyranny : Massive Blaze Engulfs Tehran Refinery Just Hours After Sinking Of Iranian Warship

Friday, June 4, 2021

Massive Blaze Engulfs Tehran Refinery Just Hours After Sinking Of Iranian Warship

A major oil refinery in Tehran is now engulfed in a huge blaze just hours after on Wednesday morning the Islamic Republic’s largest warship caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Oman under mysterious circumstances.

Iranian state Tasnim news in a breaking report has identified it as the Shahid Tondguyan oil refinery, considered among the country’s largest.

Coincidence? Or are we now witnessing a return to the summer of 2020 which saw tit-for-tat sabotage attacks on oil tankers, military and nuclear sites involving Israel and Iran?

The timing is also interesting given Iran and the West appear on the verge of completing a restored nuclear deal in Vienna, which means the US would drop sanctions and allow Iran to pursue...

Read More HERE


  1. Yep. Israel is at it again. They said, at some point, these things would happen. The real question, is that enough to cause Iraq to behave... within Israel's guidance? Though these may be parting gifts by Netanyahu, or his commanders, before Israel goes full woke? An unleashing before a new leash is administered? Lots of crazy going on, especially when new, old, and fraud is allowed to rule.

  2. Iran supplies Palestinian Arab with missiles and suddenly Iran's shit starts blowing up and catching fire or going over speed destroying itself. Nuclear centrifuges, biggest Navy ship, and now a refinery. Bad news usually comes in 3's.

  3. Don't worry about Israel.
    They know how to take care of themselves.
    Their very existence depends on it.

  4. Oh Boo Frigging WHOOO! Beijing Joey will come to their rescue with more American Taxpayer Dollars. Our Problems NEED to be FIXED FIRST, Damnit! This FAKE pResident Needs to Go NOW! And We won't be replacing his sorry ass with the Camel Toe Ho either. Frigging Posers!

  5. Parting gifts for Netanyahu.


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