90 Miles From Tyranny : Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory And Transgenderism Violently Arrested At School Board Meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory And Transgenderism Violently Arrested At School Board Meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia

Parents protesting against anti-white critical race theory and transgenderism being pushed on their children in Loudoun County, Virginia were violently arrested by police on Tuesday after a school board meeting was declared an "unlawful assembly."


The Loudoun County school board cut off the mic of legendary Virginia State Senator Dick Black as he spoke out against transgender lunacy being pushed on children in schools. After the crowd erupted in cheers, the board voted to shut down the entire meeting:

Read More HERE


  1. Time for citizens arrest of the school board.

  2. Over 30 years walking that thin blue line, I am embarrassed for these "law enforcement officers." They all need to look at the Oath Of Office they swore, they have forgotten what their duties are. Sad, so sad....

  3. They are following orders just like the will in the future.

  4. Do not fall into the trap of thinking law enforcement will be a part of the solution. 99% will do as told because their bread is buttered by the established order. Heck, 90%+ of people who recognize this tyranny will not even get of FB, Twitter or stop ordering from Amazon. You think the police are willing to loose their job for you? Right...

  5. Loudoun County cops are going to regret taking the easy way out and not living up to their oaths.


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