90 Miles From Tyranny : Vladimir Putin Plans to Press Joe Biden on Human Rights Violations Against Trump Supporters

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Vladimir Putin Plans to Press Joe Biden on Human Rights Violations Against Trump Supporters

Russian President Vladimir Putin is intending to press U.S. President Joe Biden on human rights violations that are being perpetrated against Trump supporters who attended the mostly-peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has pointed out in recent weeks how U.S. authorities are violating human rights of their dissidents, which is a criticism frequently leveled against the Kremlin by Washington D.C. elites.

“We are ready to talk, we have no taboo topics. We will discuss whatever we think is necessary. We will be ready to answer the questions that the American side will raise. This also applies to human rights,” Lavrov said during a press conference that took place on Monday in Moscow.

“For example, we are following with interest the persecution of those persons who are accused of the riots on January 6 this year,” Lavrov continued, adding that “a lot of really interesting things are happening from the point of view of the rights of the opposition and protecting those rights” in the U.S.

Big League Politics has reported on how certain Jan. 6 Trump protesters are being treated like enemy combatants by jackboots who have been gaslighted by media propaganda depicting the patriots as terrorists and white...

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  1. Irony.
    Russia cares more about the rights of Americans being persecuted by leftist than the GOP, even if it's for political reasons.

  2. I needed to make sure that this wasn't another babylon bee entry. I never thought I'd see the day when Russia could lecture us on human rights abuses. That day has come.

  3. I hope Putin walks up to Joe and KHTFO.


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