90 Miles From Tyranny : ‘Burn It All Down!’ Canadian Leadership on Church Attacks

Monday, July 12, 2021

‘Burn It All Down!’ Canadian Leadership on Church Attacks

Once again, the Woke crowd parades its hypocrisy and hate.

In one nation, at least two dozen mostly Catholic and some Anglican churches have been vandalized or torched in recent weeks; and that nation’s leaders are either openly calling for more or shrugging their shoulders.

That nation is not Iraq, Syria, or Libya under ISIS, but rather Canada.

According to one recent report titled “Canada has become the church-burning centre of the western world,”
As of publication [July 2], there have been almost 23 attacks against churches—including at least five completely destroyed by fires, at least three damaged by fires, and more than 15 vandalized to varying degrees.
Two days after that report was published, on Sunday, July 4, another church was set on fire in southeast Calgary, and “countless have been vandalized,” says a July 6 report. After characterizing these ongoing attacks as a “shocking and unchallenged new reality” for Canada, the report adds:
There are currently no suspects for these arsons, but even more alarming, there is seemingly very little sympathy or care given to this vicious form of religious persecution.
Indeed, consider the reaction to these hate crimes coming from some of Canada’s leaders: Harsha Walia, the head of British Colombia’s Civil Liberties Association—which claims to “promote, defend, sustain, and extend civil liberties and human rights”—on June 30 tweeted, “Burn it all down,” in regards to the churches. So much for her zealous defense for the “civil liberties and human rights” of Canadians; apparently they only apply to some people, not others.

Although she appears to be a Hindu, this Walia’s place of birth (Bahrain) and her last name are curiously Islamic—not, of course, that it matters: India has become so anti-Christianity that it is currently the 10th worst persecutor of Christians in the entire world; being a Christian in India is actually worse than being a Christian in most Muslim nations—which is saying much.

If Muslims and Hindus hate Christians and attack their churches, Western elements—the media, politicians, and academia—increasingly sympathize and cover for them.

Thus, according to Gerald Butts, a close confidant of the Canadian prime minister, attacks on churches are “understandable.” Even more bizarre, Heidi Mathews of Harvard Law School described the vandalization and torching of churches as “the right of resistance to extreme and systemic injustice.”

As for the Prime Minister himself, Justin Trudeau, after offering the usual lip service and saying that ongoing church attacks are “unacceptable,” he offered this:
I understand the anger that’s out there … against institutions like the Catholic Church. It is real, and it is fully understandable given the shameful history that we’re all becoming more and more aware of.
So attacks on Christian churches are “unacceptable”—but they’re also “understandable.” Considering that these two words neutralize each other, Trudeau’s is a call for...

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  1. Do not forget the constant harassment of ministers in Alberta. They even deployed helicopters to find groups of Christians holding service in the wilderness! They arrested them after the service....

    Canada is screwed. How creatures like this Walia are paid by MY taxes to be so outrageous. She is definitely a Marxist infiltrator. Meanwhile they are hitting another native town, Lytton, and claiming the fires were started by sparks from a train. They really do believe Canadians are just that compliant. Sadly, they are right.

    I mention the burning churches to anyone in my family and they shrug it off. Somehow my Catholic fam has turned totally atheist over the decades and just don't care.

    1. They are covering up the arson at the Lytton residential school site? blaming trains is unlikely, as we haven't run steam trains since the 60s


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