90 Miles From Tyranny : California Legalized Theft. Everyone’s Packages Were Stolen.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

California Legalized Theft. Everyone’s Packages Were Stolen.

Porch piracy is what happens when stealing isn’t against the law.

California legalized theft with Proposition 47. Since then pharmacies and small businesses have been forced to shut down by a wave of shoplifters with nothing to fear from the law.

But it’s not just stores that are reeling from the crime wave unleashed by criminal justice reform.

Proposition 47 was passed in 2014. LAPD crime data shows that package thefts shot up from 500 to 700 between 2014 to 2015. By 2016, they rose to 1,000, and 1,200 in 2017.

In Sawtelle, home to Little Tokyo and a historic Japanese neighborhood, package theft went from practically zero to a record high in only a few years after Democrats legalized stealing.

Legalizing theft didn’t just hit stores, but led to an epidemic of ‘porch piracy’.

In Los Angeles, brazen criminals took to driving behind delivery trucks and stealing the packages as soon as they were delivered. Others dressed up in Amazon uniforms.

But nowhere was the problem as bad as in the pro-crime metropolis of San Francisco.

Porch piracy has been growing across America alongside the Black Lives Matter riots and the election of Democrat mayors, council members, and prosecutors who support criminals.

In 2018, less than a third of people responding to a survey said that they had been ripped off, but by 2020, the number had shot up all the way to 43%. One survey estimated that porch pirates had been responsible for over $5 billion in thefts in cities across the country.

But San Francisco has topped the nation in package thefts for two years straight.

It’s no coincidence that California, which has led the way in legalizing crime, accounts for...

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  1. Sounds like an opportunity for a stay at home mom to make a little extra $$ by recieving and securing package delivery.

  2. In my rural "neighborhood" this would lead to a lot of "shoot, shovel, and shut up" events. Porch piracy would then be punishable with a death sentence. Sounds like that would solve the immediate problem as well as purge the country of a lot of criminals.

  3. 'Stealing' has changed its prefered pronoun to 'Spontaneous Marxisim.'


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