90 Miles From Tyranny : Hunter Biden Art Sham Gets Shadier As It's Revealed His Art Dealer Wanted to Be 'Lead Guy in China'

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Hunter Biden Art Sham Gets Shadier As It's Revealed His Art Dealer Wanted to Be 'Lead Guy in China'

"Me Love You Long Time", Artist Hunter Biden circa 2021

You seriously can’t make this stuff up.

First son Hunter Biden’s incredibly suspicious art career couldn’t possibly get any more suspicious at this point, not if he were directly selling his artwork for billions of dollars to Iranian mullahs.

He’s not, as far as we know, but with the incredibly dubious means through which the Biden administration is vowing to establish ethics are preserved as he sells his mediocre work, there’s no telling who is buying it at this point.

This week, Fox News reported that Georges Bergès, the owner of the Manhattan art gallery where the problematic political son will be launching his new art career, declared in 2015 that he wanted to be the “lead guy” in China’s burgeoning art world (which is, apparently, a thing).

Not only is Bergès the proprietor of the establishment where Hunter’s paintings could be listed for as much as $500,000 — an astronomical sum for any artist, let alone an amateur — but he was also touted by the White House as the person they have trusted to make sure that there’s no potential for influence peddling as Hunter Biden, a man long accused of selling access to his powerful father and benefitting handsomely from his family name, sells the art he just started making five seconds ago for tens of thousands of dollars.

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See what I mean? I couldn’t possibly make up something this absurd to add to the menagerie of reasons why we should be incredibly concerned about Hunter Biden’s art career as a matter of...

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