90 Miles From Tyranny : Populist Party Leader: Mass Migration Has ‘Destroyed’ Sweden

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Populist Party Leader: Mass Migration Has ‘Destroyed’ Sweden

Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson has claimed that mass migration and “imported crime” has destroyed his country after a police officer was recently shot dead in a no-go zone.

Mr Åkesson stated that following the fatal shooting of the police officer in Biskopsgården in Gothenburg last week that “organised and largely imported crime celebrates another victory over Sweden.”

The Sweden Democrats leader, writing in an opinion piece for Expressen, went on to note that the man arrested for the killing of the police officer had been convicted of attempted murder just a year before for stabbing a man in the neck.

According to Åkesson, the ruling Social Democrats are to blame for the rise in violent crime due to “mockingly lenient punishment” for criminals.

“It is the segregation in torn Sweden that feeds gang crime. Multiculturalism and mass immigration have failed miserably. It has divided and destroyed our country,” he said.

The solution to Sweden’s problems, particularly for foreign criminals, is a better deportation policy Åkesson stated, hinting that coming from an unstable country is no reason not to deport someone.

“If, for example, you have deprived someone of their life — the situation in the home country is a completely uninteresting detail — then you should be returned there, however reluctant you may be,” he stated.

Deportation of criminal migrants has been a major issue in Sweden for years, whether it has been activists blocking deportations or courts refusing to remove convicted migrant criminals, as was the case last year with a migrant who raped a child over 100 times but managed to avoid being...

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  1. Dude appears to have a Swedish caterpillar on the left side of his mouth.

  2. There is a fix for that if you stupid shits would embrace it.
    We have the same issue here and the same hesitancy to fix it.

  3. Deport one activist with each criminal migrant deportation.
    Both to the same country and handcuffed together to display their solidarity.

    1. Now Thats a program I'd be happy to see being funded by my tax dollars


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