90 Miles From Tyranny : Reporter sees ‘surreal’ moment in Oakland as black families rally with police to secure the city while ‘mostly white Antifa protesters’ jeer them

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Reporter sees ‘surreal’ moment in Oakland as black families rally with police to secure the city while ‘mostly white Antifa protesters’ jeer them

In Oakland, California, the City Council voted to make big cuts to the police department after calls from the Left to defund the police. After that, the city’s police chief slammed the decision, citing rising crime in the city:

In response to the spiking violence, residents of Oakland rallied with police in order to try and reel in the insanity that’s ensuing. However, there were protesters, according to an Axios reporter:

Well, maybe it shouldn’t be considered “surreal”…

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  1. White isn't always white. Ask Jews.

  2. Supporters, just remember that when antifa starts its violence, the Oakland police (under orders from their seniors) will walk away and leave you to receive a pummeling unprotected. It’s just what they do.


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