90 Miles From Tyranny : RNC and Romney's Niece, Ronna McDaniel are lying about backstabbing Trump

Monday, July 12, 2021

RNC and Romney's Niece, Ronna McDaniel are lying about backstabbing Trump

"The RNC is corrupt and full of self-interested liars"

After former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis explosively called out the Republican National Committee for lying about their attorney stabbing former President Donald Trump in the back over election fraud allegations, Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel blocked her on Twitter.

Ellis is accusing McDaniel of abandoning the former president following the 2020 election. She reportedly received an email last November that showed RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer was actively questioning Trump’s election claims according to a new book by anti-Trump author Michael Wolff.

The note allegedly asked why Republicans backed Trump’s claims of election fraud as Business Insider reported from a pre-released copy of the book. Reimer also contended that the RNC could raise more money by going after Democrats than by challenging election results.

Ellis passed the email onto Rudy Giuliani and former NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Giuliani blasted Reimer and demanded that he resign or be fired immediately. The email was described in the book as being “akin to saying ‘f**k Trump’ and ‘f**k Giuliani.’”

“Can you f–king believe this,” Giuliani allegedly said. “They are backdooring us … doing everything in their power not to help us.”

The former New York City mayor reportedly called Reimer and yelled, “Who the f**k do you think you are? How can you be going against the President? … You need to resign and resign tonight … because you are going to be fired.”

Giuliani then called McDaniel and demanded that Reimer be fired. She refused and he is still the top attorney for the RNC. McDaniel and the RNC are denying the allegations in the book.

“As is typical with most things Michael Wolff writes, this story is simply false,” a statement from the RNC said. “The RNC legal team fought tooth and nail on election integrity efforts for the entirety of 2020, and that continues today.”

On Sunday, Ellis tweeted out, “This report is true@GOPChairwoman, and you know I have the receipts. Why is the RNC lying and saying it’s false?” After that tweet, instead of responding, McDaniel blocked Ellis on Twitter.

This led to a series of tweets from Ellis and other Republicans who called out McDaniel for her judgment concerning the matter, her behavior, her alleged lying, and whether she was in Trump’s camp or not.

“Update. I guess [McDaniel] doesn’t want to be confronted about the RNC lying,” Ellis tweeted.

“If [McDaniel] didn’t direct RNC lawyers to stand down and surrender to Dems, she should immediately fire the lawyer who wrote the email. If she gave the order, she must resign,” Newsmax host John Cardillo stated on Twitter.

Ellis claims that she and Giuliani were told Reimer would be fired. “She told [Rudy Giuliani], me, and the President she would fire Justin Reimer,” Ellis tweeted. “She didn’t. She lied then, and she’s lying now.”

More Republicans piled on McDaniel over the allegation. Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers wrote, “I stand with [Jenna Ellis], [Rudy Giuliani], [Bernard Kerik], and President Trump. The RNC supports pride month and backstabbed the tens of millions of Trump voters during the election integrity fight.” She went on to add, “Now Ronna is pretending to care about election integrity. We can do better!”

Kerik also tweeted out a blistering response, writing that Riemer⁩ “sent out an email bad mouthing the President’s legal team telling his colleagues that the RNC makes more money opposing Democrats, than soliciting funds for a legal defense. He didn’t give a sh*t about the president.”

Intelligence analyst Sebastian Gorka also chimed in, asking, “Well @GOPChairwoman?”

Ellis was blunt in her assessment of the RNC and didn’t hold back, writing: “Let’s get the truth out: the RNC is corrupt and full of self-interested liars...

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