90 Miles From Tyranny : The Generation That Manufactures Hate

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Generation That Manufactures Hate

La Crosse County District Attorney Tim Gruenke charged a Milwaukee teen on June 16 with one misdemeanor count of negligent handling of burning materials after she allegedly set a fire in her dorm at Viterbo University in Wisconsin.

While 17-year-old Victoria Unanka has pleaded not guilty, police have video surveillance footage and her own confession, according to the criminal complaint.

Gruenke said the young black woman created a “dangerous situation to get attention” in what appears to be the nation’s latest example of a campus hate-crime hoax, one of many dozens that have plagued colleges and universities in recent years, painting a false picture of campuses fraught with racism and helping advance the cause of critical race theory.

Unanka’s case started with the discovery of racist graffiti targeting students of color at her Catholic liberal-arts school.

Administrators canceled midday classes on March 11 so the campus could protest the vandalism. Unanka was a keynote speaker at the demonstration attended by hundreds of students and faculty.

Viterbo President Glena Temple also announced in an email to the campus community plans for a prayer vigil, student and employee listening sessions, and educational and community-based activities to address hate, bias and racism.

A month later, a new scandal rocked Viterbo when a fire was discovered in a garbage can inside a dormitory lounge. Immediately students discussed it as the latest heinous act of campus racism because the fire was started near Unanka’s dorm room.

But in early May, Temple announced the investigation into both the racist graffiti and the fire was closed, and a student was in the process of being expelled. Temple, who resigned on June 25 to take another job, did not mention Unanka’s name nor the real reason the fire was set.

The spectacle of false-flag racism has become sadly common. Wilfred Reilly, assistant professor of political science at Kentucky State University and author of 2019 book “Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War,” has examined 643 cases of race hoaxes to date. Almost one-third have taken place on a college, university or senior high school campus.

After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, a message scribbled on a whiteboard at Elon University in North Carolina, “Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista,” was written by a Latino student upset with the results.

In 2017, a note that used the n-word at St. Olaf College in Minnesota threatened a female black student, sparking intense protests, but it was actually written by the same woman who...

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  2. If they would have let it burn it's one less institution of marxism.


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