90 Miles From Tyranny : The latest example of ‘white privilege’: Eating French food

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The latest example of ‘white privilege’: Eating French food

White privilege. White supremacy. White fragility. Whiteness. For the academic left, there’s no aspect of life which cannot be shoehorned into a relationship with these terms.

Law (yes, law) professor Mathilde Cohen of the University of Connecticut recently gave a talk at Sciences Po Paris and the University of Nanterre in which, according to The Times, she argued “French eating habits reinforced the ‘dominance’ of white people over ethnic minorities.”

“By this,” Cohen says in the clip below, “I mean the use of food to reinforce whiteness as a dominant racial identity.

“The French meal is often presented as the national ritual to which every citizen can participate equally. But French food ways are shaped by white middle- and upper-class norms … and the boundaries of whiteness are policed through daily food encounters.”

Cohen says a “strategy” by which non-whites in France try to “act white” is eating typical French food — like pork. With regards to her specialty (law), Cohen notes French schools are exempt from “having to accommodate dietary requests based on [students’] identity.” The “default” for schools are “white, Christian norms.”

Cohen’s seminar was based on her academic paper “The Whiteness of French Food Law, Race, and Eating Culture in France.” The paper makes use of the concepts “food studies, critical race theory, and critical Whiteness studies,” and “sheds light” on the allegedly “neglected area” of food and race.

A snippet:

Read More HERE


  1. I think they doth protest to much- The Bard (well with a slight liberty of one word)

  2. The French lost their country decades ago.

  3. From Billy Madison "... what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

  4. I would say, not eating white is cultural appropriation.

  5. Does this mean that I'm safe in eating Tex-Mex food and drinking Mexican beer?

  6. Yeah, she looks like she's not bat Schidt crazy.......

  7. This Mathilde Cohen (perhaps there is a reason why French and other Europeans don't consider immigrants that havent lived in the country less than a couple hundred years "real" citizens) doesn't understand that French cooking like most great coulinary traditions comes from privation. Great cooking comes from mastering making due with what little you have. French cooking is, and always has been, a celebration of what a poor grandmother could do with a little bit of nothing and a lot of skill. ALL of western cooking is the same, this woman is an absolute whore. The idea that my Alsatian grandmother is bad because she (by necessity) knows how to make trapped game palatable (even deliscious) is G*******d disgraceful. People that aren't degenerates learn to make due and survive, parasites don't and feed on the productive. Hell will welcome this woman and all of her like.


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