90 Miles From Tyranny : What if the 2020 Election Audits Show Trump Really Won?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What if the 2020 Election Audits Show Trump Really Won?

We just don't know. We just don't know what comes next. It is all a calculated guess. The US Constitution is silent. Even if, if, if, it is so very clear through professional forensic election audit results, that the presidential election of 2020 was stolen and President Trump actually won, there appears to be no obvious remedy stated in the US Constitution to right this wrong. We just don't know.

The Founding Fathers did not write up a "what if" in the Constitution to make things right. The Founding Fathers wrote up nothing in the Constitution in case mail in ballots or the internet were used to manipulate the vote. The scary part is that since the answer to possible election fraud appears not to be in the Constitution, nor in federal law, nor in federal court cases, then the answer-the remedy will come from somewhere else. That somewhere else, we know not. But probably not from the words within the US Constitution. Much of this is conjecture.

I. This we do know...

* With a strict constructionist view of the wording in the Constitution, the words are not there to "road map" how to fix possible presidential election fraud.

* The Constitution mentions nothing about the Electoral College re-convening. Historically, the Electoral College has never re-convened for a second time for a presidential certification.

* Historically, in the Compromise of 1877, the compromise was made before the president took office, not 6-12 months afterwards. It is very difficult to see how a mutually agreed upon compromise can be worked out this late if election fraud were proven through legitimate audits.

* We do know that of the 4 key contested battleground "purple states" that were crucial, all had election irregularities election day, election night, and the following election morning.

* Arizona may be on the verge of flipping its result, and Georgia looks probable to follow. And Pennsylvania and then Wisconsin might be next. In terms of Electoral College votes, that would be all that is needed to satisfy the constitutional 270 votes required.

* We know that President Trump is planning something very big and important this summer, and America might look and fell very different by Labor Day Weekend.

II. So, what would happen if it became clear there was not election integrity in the four most important contested state cases? What would happen?

* Would the Supreme Court do absolutely nothing? Would the Supreme Court say the Constitution is mute, and therefore they themselves have nothing they can do? Would they say no federal law exists to right the wrong? Would the Supreme Court remain impotent?

* Would the Supreme Court place President Trump back in office and back into the White House?

* Would Biden remain the president, nothing changes, and Biden serves out the remaining four years? With Trump supporters seething but doing nothing?

* Would Biden and his Attorney General Merrick Garland, after the Arizona audit proves fraud, stop "by any means necessary" any audits being conducted in any other states? A complete stoppage of all future state audits.

* Would Garland/Biden cite federal supremacy, federal civil rights laws, or federalize the state National Guards to make sure any remaining audits are stopped?

* Is it possible that Biden and Kamala Harris would both be impeached out of office and...

Read more: HERE


  1. I'm really interested in this article but when I click on HERE, it takes me to what I suppose are archived blog posts by Clayton Cramer. I'm a follower of Clayton but this doesn't appear to finish the article. Can you please correct the link?

  2. If it actually turns out that Trump won, I don't believe anything will happen. At the most there will forever be an asterisk on Biden's presidency and his actual loss will be ignored as conspiracy, right wing BS, "at this point, what does it matter?" and everything else.

    That said, I want to see the results of the audits and see if they actually prove Trump won. This part I don't believe will happen. As the article states, we don't know. The current administration won't let that happen - sort of like news coming from Hunter Biden's laptop. If, by some amazing chance, the media actually reports it, see paragraph one.

  3. The problem is that the Constitution does not provide for popular election of the President and Vice President in the first place. It only says the States will appoint the Electors and the Electors vote and that (as much as I hate it) is what happened. The Supreme Court can just say the Constitution is mute.

    Of course the Constitution is also mute on abortion and we got Roe V Wade anyway.

    We need to face the fact that our Government is now unlimited and lawless.

    We could amend the Constitution and write the Administration right out of existence but that takes a 2/3 majority vote and ratification by the States. Ain't gonna happen.

    One wonders if they are even going to bother with the pretense of the mid terms and the 2024 election.

    1. No, Jeffery, we are not going to submit to the Commies running things.

  4. By then, people will be so fed up with Joe and the Ho and the rest of the clown car, they'll demand reinstatement. Imagine 5 or 10 million people descending on DC.

    And the Constitution says hanky-pank in the election means states are stripped of their votes. All it would take for Trump to have won is for GA, PA, and AZ's vote to be fraudulent.

  5. I believe the Constitution DOES allow for fraud. The only vote that matters is the electoral college vote and the electors do not have to vote in conformity to their states residents votes (faithless electors). I think the only remedy would be impeachment - this is high crimes if there ever was one!

  6. The founding fathers DID address this in the Bill of Rights. It is included in the Second Amendment. See also references to "watering the Tree of Liberty" in sources about how they formed our government.

  7. impeachment means Pelosi takes office unless Harris is impeached 1st then Trump takes the Vice President seat. Then Biden impeachment then Trump moves into the President seat. In any case Democrats and the Federal government rises up against the people with martial law. Civil war 2 starts.

  8. Seems to me treason was committed. We've got laws against that. Approach it on a criminal basis. Hang 'em high. Reinstate the actual winner.


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