90 Miles From Tyranny : Now We Know Which Universities Those Fake Sign Language Interpreters Came From...

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Now We Know Which Universities Those Fake Sign Language Interpreters Came From...



  1. What will be interesting is how many Universities across the country let in graduating students from Oregon next year. I bet there will be no change in numbers as the realities for Universities is WHO PAYS and SAT/ACT has died.

  2. Illiteracy benefits anyone? What lunatic said that?

    1. Safe to say those Graduates never rear it somewhere.

  3. "The law had overwhelming Democratic support & is being justified on the basis that it will benefit non-white students."

    Benefit? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    1. Who it benefits is the teachers union.

    2. “Teachers” being a misnomer in the usage above.

  4. I am an employer. Have employed thousands both men/women/weirdos/long hair freaky people since 1990. So what's my motivation in hiring punk kids who cannot read or write or perhaps they only learned Ebonics? Do I have any motivation to even offer an interview with a loser? I recall a great a quote = "with winners on your team you can still lose but with losers on your team you will rarely ever win".

    1. Easier to play with a short bench than short-handed.

  5. I am reminded of that scene in Men of Honor where a white guy got a medal for what a black guy did. hours later, he is still outside, standing in the rain, God knows what going through his mind.

    this is like "Billy gets 5 balls and 4 strikes because he's special" and Billy thinks that's a good thing.

    "That is still the case in this country for too many students, the soft bigotry of low expectations. If you don't expect them to learn, if you don't expect them to succeed - then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy." Tavis Smiley


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