90 Miles From Tyranny : The Time For A Polite Society Is Over...

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Time For A Polite Society Is Over...



  1. They aren't being polite, or compromising. They are compromised. We do not have representation.

    1. I sadly agree. It appears our Founders/Framers were right about yet another thing: The tree of Liberty may need nourishing from time to time.

  2. I agree with the sentiment, but I see no one stepping up, and I'm not going to go out and emulate Antifa or BLM either. That doubtless makes me a coward, but I'm not alone in that. As far as I know, right-wing Americans have no organization and very little will to actually kick off the festivities, regardless of how much the Left tries to provoke us.

    We're being impoverished and invaded, both with the collusion of our alleged "representatives" in DC. The GOP looks more and more like Lucy with the football. "Give us money to fight the DemonRats, and THIS TIME we'll actually do something about them!". Right.

  3. If they started a new political party, it would have more undercover fbi agents and informants than actual members, then would be labeled a terrorist organization more dangerous than all islamic ones combined.... Each real member would have their very own convoy of federal agencies, ​six to eight cars deep, and assigned a specific Predator Drone, 24/7. Their stool samples would be analyzed before hitting the toilet water...

    Keep wacking the Bear, just keep wacking the Bear!

  4. Unfortunately, I have to agree on all points.

  5. Never leave the house without being heeled....Then you'll be able to take action whenever you see BLM or Antifa in action....to quote Lee Marvin from the Dirty Dozen, "just don't let anybody see you do it"....


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