90 Miles From Tyranny : “White People Are Evil and Racist” Says Somali Migrant Accused of Violently Assaulting Numerous Swedish Women

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

“White People Are Evil and Racist” Says Somali Migrant Accused of Violently Assaulting Numerous Swedish Women

Scandinavian country continues to enjoy benefits of diversity.

A Somali migrant in Sweden who was arrested for violently assaulting numerous women justified his behavior by asserting that “white people are evil and racist.”

Back in July, 23-year-old Mohammad (authorities are presumably hiding his surname) intercepted a woman visiting the Pallas gallery in central Borås by knocking her to the ground near an escalator.

According to FriaTider, the legal indictment then states that Mohammad took out his frustrations at “racism” by beating up several people, men and women, in the immediate area.

The police report states that Mohammad was very aggressive while being arrested and said that “white people are evil and racist” in an attempt to legitimize his violent behavior.

“He shouts and talks incoherently about the Holocaust and about how white people should die and that he should fuck and kill white people,” said one of the police officers who was present during the arrest.

In July 2020, Mohammad attacked another two women while also threatening to kill his female social workers, who he accused of being Nazis and racists.

“In a police interrogation, Mohammad announced that he “does not accept any accusations and that everything is due to racism,” according to the report.

Mohammad cannot be deported because he was given Swedish citizenship in 2015 despite committing...

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  1. I agree don't deport him. Hang him high above the city to let them all know that this kind of behavior is not acceptable in a civilized society.

  2. Yep. Since deportation is not an option make the best of the opportunity. Send a message that will deter the next one and not reward them. People were banished/removed from the community and their name strickened. Since banishment is off the table he must be removed and remain anonymous with all record of him removed. This sends a message to others of like mind. No glory, fame, history, the memory of your life is removed. As though you never existed. This is the deterent that is needed.
    They used to understand this concept.

  3. And any White person who points out that this is not an isolated incident, or that White people should have Safe Spaces of our own, is immediately branded as racist by the Left and told we deserve to be exterminated.

    I was raised to not care about race, but they're forcing me to care, and not in the way they want me to.


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