90 Miles From Tyranny : AZ Audit Shows That Arizona Election Was Racked With Fraud: Results Must Be Thrown Out...

Sunday, September 26, 2021

AZ Audit Shows That Arizona Election Was Racked With Fraud: Results Must Be Thrown Out...



  1. Can you document any of this?

    I can't find it and a tweet just won't do...

  2. Yes, you need to show me the actual files that were destroyed and no longer exist before I believe it.

    1. Hey, asshole, instead of snark, how about a link to the report that actually shows the stuff that was tweeted?

      I don't generally believe some anonymous dude on Twitter.
      Generally that is the domain of Liberals...like the idiots that believed that George Floyd was killed because he is (was) black.

      I try to be better than the idiotic Liberals. Perhaps you are just like them when it comes to thinking.

    2. Oldvet You old troll. "Show you the actual deleted files that no longer exist" laf my ass off. Good one.


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