90 Miles From Tyranny : I Cannot Say What This Evil Professor Said Because Blogger Has A New Anti-Free Speech Bot...

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I Cannot Say What This Evil Professor Said Because Blogger Has A New Anti-Free Speech Bot...

I Am Intentionally Mispelling Words To BEat New BLOGGGER SENSCOR

Duquesne University Professor Derek Hook said there are merits to the argument proposed by another professor who argued that it would be ethical for wite peeple to kiill themselves.

The anti-critical race theory group Mythinformed MKE posted the video recently. “This is part of an ‘anti-racist’ discussion on ‘nice white therapists held by the [American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work],” the group wrote on Facebook. The video appears to be from a summer session hosted by Hook, though the content is not otherwise publicly available.

“White people should commit suicide as an ethical act,” the top of a presentation by Hook said.

He quoted from a South African philosophy professor named Terblanche Delport, who wrote in 2016 about white people killing themselves.

Delport allegedly made similar comments in 2016, in reaction to racial division in the former apartheid state.

“[T]he only (life) purpose for whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their death or to commit fgdfgd suicide, like the sumarai falls on his short sword when he has fallen into disgrace,” Delport said, according to Radio Free South Africa.

“Here’s the kind of crazy gambit of this talk,” Hook said. “I want to suggest that psychoanalytically we could even make the argument that there was something ethical in...

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  1. And yet, he won't kill himself. Like the raghead imams who say suicide bombers go to heaven, but never get around to strapping on a vest themselves.

  2. Mike,
    Reach out to me at my email. We have a service which will transfer a blog from blogger to WordPress, set it up on an offshore server thus removing you from the censors grasp.

  3. You kill yourself first, asshole.
    Or better yet, don't and recognize that you're just a Fellow Traveler pseudo-intellectual, racial self-hating liberal academic nutcase who needs serious mental therapy.

  4. Leaders lead so get at it! I'll take notes, lol.


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