90 Miles From Tyranny : Moderna analysis: Those vaccinated last year twice more likely to contract COVID-19

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Moderna analysis: Those vaccinated last year twice more likely to contract COVID-19

Moderna Inc. has released a set of data which suggested its COVID-19 vaccine is effective in preventing serious health issues or death from "variants of concern" but admitting that efficacy decreases over time, such that those who received the vaccine last year were twice more likely to contract a breakthrough case of the coronavirus disease.

According to the data, which Moderna released Wednesday, a "study shows lower risk of breakthrough infection in participants vaccinated more recently (median 8 months after first dose) than participants vaccinated last year (median 13 months after first dose)."

A Moderna trial conducted over the summer, labeled Phase 3 COVE Study, revealed that "88 breakthrough cases of COVID-19 occurred in the more recently vaccinated group (49.0 cases per 1000 person-years) compared to 162 cases in the group vaccinated last year (77.1 cases per 1000 person-years)."

Across both groups, Moderna highlighted that "only 19 severe cases were observed." While there was a "numerical trend toward a lower rate of severe cases in the groups vaccinated more recently." Moderna insisted that the number of cases was low enough that the trend was "not significant."

The research found that those who were vaccinated earlier on had a 50% higher rate of symptomatic breakthrough cases during the months of July and August compared to...

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  1. Who do they expect to believe any of this BS?
    We are told to follow the science, but science says that COVID-19 is survivable by at least 95% with or without the vaccine. Therefore, why the possible mandates to get vaccinated when the rate of survival outweighs the rate of death. It’s all about power and control over the masses.
    …..to be continued (as long as we will allow it).

  2. If you continually have to get boosters then it's not a vaccine, it's a shot and the government is lying to you.


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