90 Miles From Tyranny : Rolling Stone Issues “Update” After Hit Piece on Ivermectin Proven to Be a Hoax

Monday, September 6, 2021

Rolling Stone Issues “Update” After Hit Piece on Ivermectin Proven to Be a Hoax

Rolling Stone ran a hit piece quoting an emergency room doctor as saying an Oklahoma hospital is turning away gunshot victims and others because the ER is filled with people who’ve overdosed on the “horse dewormer” ivermectin.

And Rachel Maddow and Newsweek and the jumped on it like carousel horse, round and round.

One problem: The whole story was made up of horse manure. Check out the hospital’s statement:

Curiously, as of Sunday afternoon, Twitter hasn’t blocked the Rolling Stone or...

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  1. Fake book hasn't flagged my post to it as a false story either. But they did add the "unapproved treatments may cause serious harm" dialog box to my post.

  2. It is not fake news. These arselochs have an agenda. It is about "keeping the skeer" on the weak and control. Anybody who do something like this does not deserve to live in America.

  3. Relying on Rolling Stoned for news is like relying on joe biden for the truth.

  4. The just remembered they just paid out big bucks on the Duke lacrosse rape hoax and rolling stone retracted the story by monday.


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