90 Miles From Tyranny : Where’s the media? Far-left activist convicted in domestic terror attacks against Washington trains

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Where’s the media? Far-left activist convicted in domestic terror attacks against Washington trains

SEATTLE, WA – A second conviction was reached regarding the two far-left activists who were charged back in November of 2020 of a domestic terrorism plot where the two used “shunts” in an effort to disrupt trains on the tracks that can lead to derailments – and the trains crossing the pathways during the period contained crude oil.

The first of the two defendants pleaded guilty in July, with both now facing up to 20 years in federal prison.

We at Law Enforcement Today previously reported on the arrests of now 28-year-old Samantha Frances Brooks and 24-year-old Ellen Brennan Reiche.

Both of them were charged on November 30th of 2020.

The Justice Department charged the two with a terrorist attack lodged against the BNSF Railway tracks near Bellingham in Whatcom County.

According to a September 9th press release from the Justice Department, Reiche was found guilty of violence against a railroad carrier after having gone to trial.

Her co-defendant, Brooks, pleaded guilty to interference with a railroad signaling system on July 9th. Both of them are facing 20 years in federal prison.

Case testimony from Reiche’s trial noted that on video surveillance, Reiche and co-defendant Brooks were seen...

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  1. But I'm sure the shunts were "mostly peaceful".

  2. They will be loved long time where they are going. But they will enjoy it.

  3. That looks to be the same female. I remember her photos from when she was arrested and detested her smugness and smooth vileness. She reeks of nasty crazy.


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