90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden Admin Releases 16K+ COVID-19 Positive Aliens into U.S. Interior

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Biden Admin Releases 16K+ COVID-19 Positive Aliens into U.S. Interior

According to a recent whistleblower’s bombshell revelations, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released over 16,000 illegal aliens who tested positive for Covid-19 since Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The anonymous source within the immigration enforcement agency added that the Biden Administration is not mandating the coronavirus vaccine for any of the illegal aliens before they are released into the United States.

The ICE source, who only spoke with Breitbart Texas, made sure to reiterate that the figures only include those aliens actually tested by ICE - the number not tested could be much larger than those tested. The source added that the positive aliens were released in major U.S. cities.

This number also does not include the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens released directly by the U.S. Border Patrol - who also do not test the aliens for the coronavirus. The Department of Health and Human Services reportedly tests all single alien minors released into their custody by USCBP.

Breitbart writer and Border Patrol Retiree, Randy Clark, breaks down the whistleblower’s shocking 16,000 positive aliens released number:

Nearly 12,000 of the migrants who tested positive for COVID-19 and were released into the U.S. were between 18 and 40 years of age, more than 11,800 were male, nearly 1,300 were under the age of ten, and more than 6,000 were between 20 and 29 years old.

The ICE source stated that the positive tests had no impact on whether the alien would be released into the nation’s interior: “With the pace of referrals from the Border Patrol, we tested, made the migrants aware, and released them to avoid increasing the detained population,” the source revealed. “None of the migrants received the COVID-19 vaccine, either voluntary or forced.”

This proves to be yet another example of the Biden Administration’s repeated attempts to circumvent the requirements of U.S. immigration law and its own health mandates for Americans, to admit as many foreign nationals as possible in the U.S., with complete and willful disregard for...

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  1. This is proof the pandemic is a scam and nothing more than a bad flu. If it was as terrifying as they want us to believe, the administration would never have released 16K+ COVID positive illegal aliens across the country.

  2. Damn Mike, you did it again. Out of nowhere, yesterday, I just nabbed a whack of World War Z for some of my work. We are on the same brainwave at times, I swear it. Just I am not so into lady bottoms.


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