90 Miles From Tyranny : Hundreds blockade Italian ports as mandatory Covid-19 passes come into effect for all workers (VIDEOS)

Friday, October 15, 2021

Hundreds blockade Italian ports as mandatory Covid-19 passes come into effect for all workers (VIDEOS)

Hundreds of people have gathered at Italian ports protesting the requirement for all workers to show Covid-19 health passes, which has now come into force. Failure to comply could result in suspension from the workplace and fines.

On Friday, around 300 protesters blockaded an entrance to the port of Genoa in Northwest Italy in opposition to the so-called ‘green passes’, which require both private and public workers to prove that they are either vaccinated, have tested negative for Covid, or have recently recovered from the virus.

If workers cannot produce a green pass within a grace period of five days, they will be suspended without pay and could face a fine of up to €1,500 ($1,730) should they dare to work on regardless.

Footage uploaded to Twitter showed a large gathering of people in high-visibility jackets in protest against the measure and signs saying “No green pass.”

Meanwhile, in Trieste in the northeast, some labor groups threatened to block operations indefinitely in defiance against the mandate, with crowds of hundreds demonstrating at the city’s major port.

Videos on Twitter showed swathes of people congregating and blockading the gateway of Trieste’s port. On the eve of the pass taking effect, a crowd of people gathered in front of a worker who called for them to “strike to the bitter end… until the health passport requirement is eliminated.”:

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