90 Miles From Tyranny : Muslim Immigrant Slaughters British Member Of Parliament With A Knife In Front Of Constituents...

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Muslim Immigrant Slaughters British Member Of Parliament With A Knife In Front Of Constituents...

  • Sir David, 69, had been holding a surgery for constituents when he was attacked by the knifeman at midday
  • Horrified staff and Southend constituents saw stabbing happen as he was inside Belfairs Methodist Church
  • Sir David was treated at the scene by paramedics for more than an hour but later died, Essex Police said
  • Man, 25, was arrested at the scene and a knife was seized. The suspect is in custody and arrested over murder
Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died today after being stabbed to death in a church as he tried to help his constituents.

The popular politician – who won at the last general election with a margin of 14,000 votes – was knifed ‘multiple times’ by a 25-year-old killer.

His attacker sprinted into the church and knifed him to death during his weekly surgery as constituents watched in horror.

The Tory MP for Southend West, 69, was meeting locals at the Belfairs Methodist Church, in Eastwood Road North, Leigh-on-Sea, when it happened just after midday.

Paramedics worked to save the politician on the floor of a Essex church for more than an hour but he could not be saved after the appalling attack with chilling similarities to the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, who was shot and stabbed multiple times outside her constituency surgery at a local library in Birstall, West Yorkshire, in June 2016 by a right-wing terrorist.

Sir David, a married father-of-five whose wife Julia is also his part-time caseworker, is the seventh MP to be murdered, and the ninth in history to be attacked. It is not know if Mrs Amess was at the church when her husband was murdered.

Horrified constituents waiting to see the veteran MP, an ardent Brexiteer and royalist, watched in horror as the knifeman stabbed him, calling the police at 12.05pm. Police confirmed Sir David’s death at around 3pm. Counter-terrorism officers and armed units are at the scene.

One woman ran out of the church in the chaos yelling down the phone after dialling 999, telling the call handler: ‘Someone’s been stabbed, please get here soon, he’s not breathing’. Essex Police held the attacker at the scene and seized a weapon. He is now in custody and arrested on suspicion of murder.

Sir David, a Brexiteer veteran MP who has voted against...

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  1. Just one more example of why a guy needs a everyday carry. Even a light weight 22LR would have been better than nothing. Don't leave home without it.

  2. I can suggest how they should deal with the attacker. It involves red hot iron pokers, a headsman and his axe, and a rack. Think of it as bringing back a little British history. Oh, and it should be televised live for the entire world to watch.

  3. Watch, over the next couple of days this story will disappear, why? One: The killer is from a protected species-black, Two: It is important to hide his Muslim connections just as they did when 19 Saudi's flew the planes into the World Trade Center. Three: A white man did not commit this terrorism so there's no story here, move along.


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