90 Miles From Tyranny : The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1499

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1499

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.
Welcome Adventurer, To The Mystery Box!




Need More Box?

That's all for now folks!


  1. I smelled it before I saw the caption.

    The Good Old Days really were.

    I also had that gun.

  2. Sadly,
    I hate seeing the images of those four dogs.
    As they were U.S. military working dogs, that were left and abandoned in Afghanistan.


Test Word Verification