90 Miles From Tyranny : VIDEO: Archbishop Vigano Says Pope Francis Is ‘Zealous Cooperator’ In Great Reset, Will Preside Over ‘Demolition’ Of Catholic Church

Friday, October 15, 2021

VIDEO: Archbishop Vigano Says Pope Francis Is ‘Zealous Cooperator’ In Great Reset, Will Preside Over ‘Demolition’ Of Catholic Church

Archbishop Vigano says Pope Francis is a "zealous cooperator" in the globalist Great Reset agenda.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano said Pope Francis is a “zealous cooperator” in the globalist Great Reset agenda, presiding over the “demolition” of the Catholic Church in order to replace it with an order based on “Masonic inspiration.”

In a video currently going viral on social media, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warned that Pope Francis is a “zealous cooperator” in the Great Reset, and accused the Pope of pursuing the “demolition of the Church” to replace it with an order of “Masonic inspiration.”

The Great Reset is understood by many to be a “reset” of global economics to ultimately replace the system with a totalitarian global state. Some concerns with the Great Reset include the ideas of population control, high-tech invasive surveillance, a global social credit system, and the calculated destruction of economies to usher in world government.

Many elites, politicians, titans of industry, media figures, and fact checkers dismiss the idea of the Great Reset as a “conspiracy theory,” however the World Economic Forum, headed by Klaus Schwab, is relatively open about this notion, as revealed in the WEF’s “Global Redesign” report in...

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1 comment:

  1. I am Protestant, but my wife and sons are Catholic. I can see that this Pope is a Pope in name only. He is far more ensnared by social justice issues than matters of the soul. My uncle, the Presbyterian minister was a far better candidate to serve as Pope as is the Priest at my local parish who converted to Catholicism.


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