90 Miles From Tyranny : We Were Poor When I Was Growing Up And My Mom Saved Her Bacon Grease And She Cooked Everything In It...

Saturday, October 30, 2021

We Were Poor When I Was Growing Up And My Mom Saved Her Bacon Grease And She Cooked Everything In It...

The Crisco Cans Always Had Bacon Grease In 'Em...

 I Assume You Have Canned Goods, Large Bags Of Rice, Beans (they are good for your heart), Water Storage And Filtration And Other Long Term Food Supplies, Right? Right?

Pull all the pretty flowers out of your plots and start a victory garden. Because survival will soon be a victory.


  1. My grandmother washed her aluminum foil. And her plastic tubs. And I live in the South so bacon grease saving is a thing (and using it adds such wonderful flavor.)

    And... I wash some of my aluminum foil and reuse it.

  2. I save and use my bacon grease. Mom and dad did, their parents did. You pay for the fat, why not use it? It's $7/pound in tubs at my grocery store... There are lots of choices for cans to save it in on amazon, so I know I'm not the only one.

    My wife's mom rinses paper towel and reuses it after it dries. Drives me nuts.


  3. My mother and the mothers of my friends washed and save their used AL foil. You'd see squares of the foil lying on the countertop ready for flattening with the roller pin. The same for bacon grease. The same for bar soap remnants. Even to this day does my mother save bacon grease.

  4. Actually there is evidence that people saved their bacon drippings. Metal canister sets included flour, sugar, coffee, tea and grease. And frankly, I wouldn't eat cornbread not made with bacon drippings.

  5. The "fact checkers" cannot overcome what we all saw.


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