90 Miles From Tyranny : Hidden on Page 1,647 of Biden's Spending Bill Is a Plan That Could Give Billions of Dollars to Illegals

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Hidden on Page 1,647 of Biden's Spending Bill Is a Plan That Could Give Billions of Dollars to Illegals

It’s not hard to hide things in a 2,135-page document, and that is exactly what the Democrats tried to do in their new spending bill.

It has already been quite a fight for the Biden administration to get Democrats to back the $1.75 trillion bill. There was disagreement over the timing of the bill and its relation to the rest of the president’s Build Back Better plan.

But now the discovery of a provision, tucked on page 1647, may cause even more disagreement over the legislation.

The provision would end the requirement of a Social Security number in order to get child tax credits. This would mean that billions of dollars could be doled out in child tax to credit to just about anyone. Illegal immigrants would be able to claim child tax credits with this new provision.

“No credit shall be allowed under this section to a taxpayer with respect to any qualifying child unless the taxpayer includes the name and taxpayer identification number of such qualifying child,” current law regarding child tax credits stipulates.

Steven Camarota, a researcher with the Center for Immigration Studies, told Fox News he estimates that repealing this requirement could lead to about an extra $2.3 billion in payouts to illegal immigrants for child tax credits.

Camarota also estimated a big payout for all the illegal immigrants who have U.S.-born children.

“[W]e estimated that illegal immigrants would receive $8.2 billion in cash payments from the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC), which is part of budget reconciliation bill, also referred to as the Build Back Better (BBB) Act,” Camarota wrote for CIS.

This massive spike in payouts is also a result of the new program increasing the child tax credit maximum payment.

“The new program significantly increases the maximum cash payment, which is referred to as...

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