90 Miles From Tyranny : Satan Loves to Slice Salami

Friday, November 12, 2021

Satan Loves to Slice Salami

As we inch closer toward the two-year anniversary of the global Satanic coup that most of the world still refuses to acknowledge, I thought it would be fun to briefly comment on one of the demonic totalitarians go-to tactics - the salami.

Apparently, the term salami tactics - also known as the salami-slice strategy - was coined in the late 1940s by one of Satan's most beloved little helpers, Hungarian communist dictator Mátyás Rákosi who boasted of dividing and, eventually, destroying non-communist political parties in Hungary by "slicing them off like pieces of salami." According to Infogalactic, Rákosi employed the tactic in the following manner:

By portraying his opponents as fascists (or at the very least fascist sympathizers), he was able to get the opposition to slice off its right wing, then its centrists, then the more courageous left wingers, until only those fellow travelers willing to collaborate with the Communists remained in power.

Though many credit Rákosi with the term salami tactics, the American economist Thomas C Schelling assured the world that salami tactics were invented by a child:

Tell a child not to go in the water and he’ll sit on the bank and submerge his bare feet; he is not yet ‘in’ the water. Acquiesce, and he’ll stand up; no more of him is in the water than before. Think it over, and he’ll start wading, not going any deeper; take a moment to decide whether this is different and he’ll go a little deeper, arguing that since he goes back and forth it all averages out. Pretty soon we are calling to him not to swim out of sight, wondering whatever happened to all our discipline.

I like Schelling's example because it illustrates the "baby-step" process inherent in salami tactics - just one small slice . . . okay, just one more . . . I think I need two slices this time . . . okay, two more . . . don't complain - you still have the salami! . . . I'm going to need three slices this time around, I'm afraid . . .

And so on until all of the sudden the salami is gone. This is referred to more commonly as "salami slicing" which Infogalactic defines as:

. . . a series of many small actions, often performed by clandestine means, that as an accumulated whole produces a much larger action or result that would be difficult or unlawful to perform all at once. The term is typically used pejoratively. Although salami slicing is often used to carry out illegal activities, it is only a strategy for gaining an advantage over time by accumulating it in small increments, so it can be used in perfectly legal ways as well.

The bulk of the fake birdemic response measures implemented since 2020 have been a masterclass in salami slicing. It's just two weeks . . . it's just a mask . . . it's just a peck . . . etc. I suspect most have seen the memes, so I won't elaborate further.

I mention salami slicing and salami tactics in this post because my employers - both of them - have begun using these methods against me in a manipulative effort to get me to accept the peck as a condition of...

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