90 Miles From Tyranny : What’s All The Buzz About Quercetin?

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

What’s All The Buzz About Quercetin?

Quercetin has been in the news lately, particularly as one of many potential therapeutics that might have some benefit in the prevention or treatment of COVID infection. Is there anything to this?

Big media and the medical establishment are quick to pounce on any “unapproved” potential therapeutics that haven’t gone through large prospective randomized clinical trials and don’t have the seal of FDA approval. Even FDA approval is not enough if the medications are being used off-label as in the case of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. Decades ago, both were deemed safe and effective by the FDA and approved for human use, although not for COVID or similar viral infections as COVID didn’t even exist when the FDA approved these medications.

Today there is a peculiar hostility toward these medications, both of which are on the list of the World Health Organization’s essential medicines. A Fox News host told viewers that hydroxychloroquine “will kill you” and the FDA told its Twitter followers that ivermectin is for horses and cows and to stop using it. This must have been shocking news to millions around the world who take these medications, some for many years, in the U.S. prescribed by a physician, and elsewhere in the world readily available over the counter.

I am not advocating for or against these drugs, instead referring interested readers to other sources of information on the science and potential benefits of these medications in our fight against COVID. Quercetin appears to be the third in this line of potential therapeutics, not yet being called horse paste, but if history is a guide, it may soon be maligned as dog and cat medicine, the same of which can be said for many drugs taken by humans but also used in animals.

What is quercetin? It’s described as “a pigment” which may lead CNN or Fox News to equate its use to drinking paint. Technically it is a flavonoid, “a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects. These molecules are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables.”

These compounds have several health benefits including reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and degenerative brain disorders through anti-inflammatory effects as a free radical scavenger. While present in fruits, vegetables, and green tea, it is also available as a non-prescription supplement in capsule or powder form.

Quercetin, like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are zinc ionophores, facilitating the entry of zinc into cells where it interferes with viral replication, potentially suppressing...

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  1. Quercetin Phystome is absorbed at least 20 times more than plain Quercetin. At that point it becomes an effective Covid treatment all by itself.
    RE: Zlenenko Protocol. While regular Quercetin may be just fine for a part of a prophylaxis, if you get the 'rona then you want the big guns. Quercetin Phytosome is absorbed at a much higher rate, even more with some piperine (black pepper extract). It is made by Thorne and costs $36/60 pills. At a high level of absorption it is an effective Covid treatment.

    Sorry for the double comment. I have the hardest time commenting here and don't have the Name/Url choice, only the Google Account; even trying to email you was a challenge, forcing me to look up how to do protonmail emails.

  2. Scream loudly that NONE of the vaccines have gone through clinical trials either!!!! Unless we get some control over the messaging we will continue to lose. If republicans ever regain the House and Senate they need to break up all of the Big Tech companies, if we don't monitor their political donations to republican politicians and expose Rino's like McConnell and others we will keep losing.


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