90 Miles From Tyranny : Anthony Fauci Has a Woman Problem, New Survey Shows Only 37% of Women Trust Him Versus 41% Who Do Not

Monday, December 20, 2021

Anthony Fauci Has a Woman Problem, New Survey Shows Only 37% of Women Trust Him Versus 41% Who Do Not

Apparently The Napoleon Complex Is Not An Attractive trait...

Looks like Joe Biden’s chief covid-19 advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci is in big trouble with women.

A new survey by Issues and Insights / TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (I&I/TIPP) shows that only 37 percent of women overall trust Dr. Fauci while 41 percent of women do not trust him.

The new survey also shows that fully twenty five percent of women have no trust of Dr. Anthony Fauci at all.

Unsurprisingly, there is also a huge partisan divide when it comes to trusting Fauci between people who affiliate with the two major political parties.

The survey shows that fully seventy two percent of Democrats currently have faith in Dr. Fauci while only twenty one percent of Republican voters believe anything the doctor says.

Here’s more on the results from this new poll via Issues and Insights:

“The data clearly indicate that Fauci has become a lightning rod of sorts for partisan public opinion. The high degree of distrust suggests public disappointment with the handling of the pandemic, which has created economic and social uncertainty and further widened America’s already-wide political divide.

Fauci’s perceived failures include COVID-19 deaths under President Joe Biden now exceeding those under President Donald Trump, and the ongoing threat of further lockdowns and collateral damage to the economy and Americans’ health from the government’s response to...

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  1. Isn't that about the same percentage of women who trust Governor Cuomo???

  2. If there is one thing I dislike Trump for is keeping people like Fauci in office when he had the chance to clear the DC swamp.


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