90 Miles From Tyranny : BREAKING: Panicked Biden Regime Holds Secret Meetings With Corporate Media To 'Reshape' Negative Coverage

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

BREAKING: Panicked Biden Regime Holds Secret Meetings With Corporate Media To 'Reshape' Negative Coverage

A new report from left-wing CNN’s “Reliable Sources” reveals that the Biden administration is holding briefings behind closed doors with corporate media officials in an attempt to “reshape” and restrict negative coverage of the administration’s economic failures.

The report from CNN’s Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy states that “The White House, not happy with the news media’s coverage of the supply chain and economy, has been working behind the scenes trying to reshape coverage in its favor.”

According to CNN, “Senior White House and admin officials — including NEC Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari — have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week, a source tells me.” CNN describes the secret meetings as “productive,” with “anchors and reporters and producers getting to talk with the officials.”

Price hikes, supply chain shortages, and other economic failures have resulted in corporate media outlets that normally provide fawning coverage of the Biden administration occasionally reporting on the severe economic stress being placed on many sectors of the U.S. populace.

The report that surfaced from CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Tuesday appears to indicate that the administration is choosing to “reshape” negative coverage of Biden’s apparent negligence in lieu of...

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  1. Maybe they should try yaknow, fixing some shit???

    1. How about this administration can the whole "Build Back Better" BS plan and "Put it back the way it was and leave me the hell alone"?

  2. How is it legal for administration employees to pitch campaign narratives to media lackeys?
    In the next campaign we’ll see Biden ads with clips from “news” stories about Joe’s accomplishments. “News” stories generated after these meetings.

  3. Biden knowing what is happening is BS. His Puppet Masters are in control and do not want to loose it. They are too entrenched in the destruction of the USA to give up to be calling for Corporate Media help.


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