90 Miles From Tyranny : For every 10 people who have died with Covid-19 since August, 9 of them have been Fully Vaccinated according to the latest official Public Health data

Friday, December 17, 2021

For every 10 people who have died with Covid-19 since August, 9 of them have been Fully Vaccinated according to the latest official Public Health data

The past few weeks have seen hysteria whipped up over the threat of the alleged new Omicron variant of Covid-19, with claims this variant may evade the Covid-19 vaccines, and that only a booster dose will save you.

But if you have fallen hook, line and sinker for this new line from the authorities then we’re sorry to inform you that you are being deceived. Because official Public Health data shows that the vaccinated population have accounted for 6 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, 7 in every 10 hospitalisations, and 9 in every 10 deaths since August.

Public Health Scotland publish a weekly ‘Covid-19 Statistical Report ‘ every Wednesday containing data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status over a four week period. The latest report was published December 15th and contained data on cases and hospitalisations between 13 Nov and 10 Dec, and data on deaths between 06 Nov and 03 Dec 21.

The report showed that between 13 Nov and 10 Dec there were a total of 82,161 confirmed cases and 1,617 hospitalisations, whilst between 06 Nov and 03 Dec there were a total of 383 Covid-19 deaths. The report also confirmed that the vaccinated population accounted for 64% of those cases, 69% of hospitalisations, and 85% of those deaths.

But this isn’t suddenly happening because of the emergency of the Omicron variant. The vast majority of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths have been occurring among the fully vaccinated since at least August 2021.

We’ve compiled the following analysis using official data contained within Public Health Scotland Covid-19 Statistical Reports from the latest release published December 8th, all the way back to the edition published August 18th, and they can all be found here (click on the required report and then scroll down to ‘Full Report’).
Covid-19 Cases

Table 22 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in Scotland. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports published by PHS, but the following chart shows cases by vaccination status over a period of 17 weeks from 14 Aug 21 to 10 Dec 21.

The chart shows that in August and early September, the unvaccinated population accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases. However, if we couple the partly vaccinated and 2/3 dose vaccinated population together we find that the vaccinated population have in fact accounted for the majority of cases since Aug 14th.

What we can also see from the above is that cases have rapidly shot up in the 2/3 dose vaccinated population between 04 Dec and 10 Dec, recording the highest number of cases since the beginning of September. Whereas the number of cases among the unvaccinated population are similar to what was recorded at the beginning of November.

If the reason for this sudden uptick has anything to do with the emergence of Omicron then it looks quite clear that...

Read More HERE


  1. Oh so what. It's safe and effective and a pandemic of the unvaxxed because science, ya know.

  2. What is the %vaccinated (even with one dose) in Scotland? If the country is say, pick a number 90% (I made this up not sure if it's true or even close) then logically most new cases are going to be in vaxed people. But that means the jabs don't work.
    If the country is only 50% vaxed, then the data can mean something else: does the jabs make them more likely to get it? Are the jabbed engaging in behaviors that make them more likely to get it? It still means "the jabs don't work".

  3. In our camp there is no virus, this is all Propaganda, even this article.

  4. This is very misleading. According to the publichealthscotland.scot the unvaxxed are 5 times more likely to die that the unvaxxed per/100,000. So by their data it seems that the vaccine does at least reduce morbidity. Misleading articles like this are not helpful.

    1. It is very misleading to post a link that does not work, is not a specific link to prove your point, and likely is not the subset of August to December. Not only is your refutation sloppy, it is USELESS.


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