90 Miles From Tyranny : Former general practitioner: Medical proof that the Corona vaccination is ‘murder’

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Former general practitioner: Medical proof that the Corona vaccination is ‘murder’

We should stop vaccinating, said former British general practitioner Vernon Coleman. "Any doctor or nurse who continues to administer mRNA vaccines will ultimately be struck off the register and arrested."

Coleman refers to a study published this month in the journal Circulation revealing that the mRNA vaccines may be responsible for thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular disorders.

“We always knew that these ‘vaccinations’ were experimental. Now we have evidence of a link between the vaccines and the disease,” said Coleman. “Now we have the evidence to stop vaccination programs.”

Some 566 patients, aged 28 to 97 years, took part in the study. The vaccine was found to cause inflammation of the endothelium, a layer of cells on the inside of the heart, blood and lymph vessels, at least two and a half months after the second dose. The jab also allowed the T-cells to enter the heart muscle.

“We should at least stop the ‘vaccinations’ until long-term studies are completed,” Coleman added. That message should appear on all front pages in the media, he said.

“I’ve been saying for a year that this thing is an experiment to kill and harm. If the experiment is not stopped now, we will know for sure that it is not a medical treatment, but....

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