90 Miles From Tyranny : Free Speech Platform Gab Developing Big Tech Alternative GabPay Payment Processor

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Free Speech Platform Gab Developing Big Tech Alternative GabPay Payment Processor

Free speech internet company Gab announced the development of a GabPay online payment processor this week, standing to deliver one of the first standing financial institutions of what its founder Andrew Torba has dubbed the “parallel economy.”

GabPay offers to deliver an opportunity for conservatives in the online economy to “spend your processing dollars with companies who share your values rather than major monopolies who’ve hijacked our payment processing sectors. We must first begin to vote with our dollars to cripple these “woke” processing companies while we continue to explore new payment methods that don’t contribute to causes we directly oppose.”

GabPay’s administrators have clarified that building a truly uncancellable financial institution is a tall order, with any project of its kind potentially liable to denial-of-service measures from credit card companies Visa and MasterCard. As of now, GabPay is accepting pre-applications from businesses and merchants, providing them with a means to reserve use of the service. GabPay is promising not to utilize the instant cancellation tactics of establishment financial institutions such as PayPal or Stripe; instead assessing each potential merchant according to national banking standards from the get-go and providing an honest assessment of the ability to provide banking services.

Gab has proved more resilient than competing “free speech” social media platforms, incurring consistent growth since its foundation in 2016 as sites with similar aims collapse under the weight of Big Tech blacklisting and liabilities to the modern-day internet’s hegemonic infrastructure.

Follow Me On Gab:  https://gab.com/90miles

GabPay could ultimately render notoriously biased online payment processors such as GoFundMe and PayPal irrelevant, providing conservatives with a...

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  1. Won't do beta, not first run beta. Will do that if they actually get to prime-time. I... may have to join Gab, again. I had 10k followers, but got bored. Meh. Well, and it was eating my time.

  2. This is the way.
    Steve the beast.
    Parallel economy.


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