90 Miles From Tyranny : Germany: Bavarian president caught lying about unvaccinated hospitalizations

Friday, December 17, 2021

Germany: Bavarian president caught lying about unvaccinated hospitalizations

In mid-November, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder – a vaccine pusher – appealed to people via Twitter to get vaccinated with the most bizarre data.

“Unfortunately, Corona infections are increasing dramatically, especially among those who have not been vaccinated. There is a direct correlation between low vaccination rates and high infection rates. So please get vaccinated. Only vaccination helps,” the Bavarian leader claimed. Together with this text, the head of the regional government in Germany tweeted a graphic image. This showed a seven-day incidence in unvaccinated people in Bavaria of 1 469, and vaccinated people of only 110.

But the authority subordinate to Söder, which is responsible for collecting the relevant data – the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) – apparently had no data at all about the vaccination status of those who had tested positive. At the request of German daily Die Welt, a spokesman said “as an example for the week before November 24, a total of 81 782 Corona cases had been reported during this time – 9 641 people had full vaccination protection, 14 652 none. In 57 489 cases the vaccination status was ‘unknown’.”

The newspaper continued: “Instead of subtracting those cases, the authorities put them in the group of unvaccinated people and based this count on the vaccinated and unvaccinated incidence. To this day nothing has changed in this formula. The number of tests in the different groups is also irrelevant. The Bavarian counting method is another example of the data chaos that exists in Germany with regard to the Corona pandemic. Compared to other European countries, such as Great Britain, the lack of figures to reliably classify the Covid situation is enormous.”

German anti-vaccine journalist Boris Reitschuster recently reported on how curious the mantra-like assurances from the government were that the intensive care beds were “mainly occupied by unvaccinated people”. In response to a question from MP Martin Sichert (AfD), the head of the DIVI, which is instrumental in the data collection, Prof. Marx, informed the main committee of the German Bundestag that no one actually knows how many of the intensive care patients are vaccinated.
Merkel’s remaining minions persist in lying about vaccination

The candidate for the CDU chairmanship, Norbert Röttgen, has accused the unvaccinated of endangering social cohesion more than mandatory vaccination does. “The split in that it is still left to a minority to trigger a huge wave of infections that affects and restricts the entire population is much more serious,” he told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland on Sunday.

He also believes that the planned compulsory vaccination would be legally tenable. “In weighing up the not insignificant severity of the interference and weighing up the damage to society, it can be clearly justified under...

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