90 Miles From Tyranny : Shoot Out At The O.K. Lemonade Stand....

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Shoot Out At The O.K. Lemonade Stand....



  1. Stranger carrying a stringed instrument walks past two guys on the street.

    "Did you see that? He was carrying a hand harp!"


    "You've been saving that up your whole life, haven't you?"

  2. You just know the Karen who called is watching the whole thing, which makes it better yet.

  3. Can't tell you how much bad lemonade (that's what they called it)I bought and drank while on patrol. I always stopped at the kids stands. Didn't wait for a complaint

  4. Good for him! A new generation was taught the gentleness of a good cop that day. They are out there. I've known quite a few.

  5. Very little lemonade is as bad as kids lemonade stand lemonade. Of course I try to stop.

  6. Hope this is triple true. Thanks for that Mike.

  7. My uncle was police chief in a small town(2500 people) and had this happen. When he got there he asked the parent if he wanted Karen trespassed because she was still there standing on his driveway. He said yes, one of the happiest days of my uncle's career.


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