90 Miles From Tyranny : Swedish Academics are Under Investigation for Discovering That Immigrants Commit Disproportionate Number of Rapes

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Swedish Academics are Under Investigation for Discovering That Immigrants Commit Disproportionate Number of Rapes

A top Swedish academic and her colleagues are under investigation after discovering through her scholarly research that immigrants commit an overwhelmingly disproportionate number of rapes in the country.

Professor Kristina Sundquist conducted research at Lund University in Sweden, with the help of two colleagues, that came to these results. This was not the intent of the study, but the evidence was so substantial that they could not help but come to the conclusion that immigrants were driving the drastic increase of rapes occurring in Sweden.
Sundquist studied the period of 2000-2015, which is before the immigration crisis really started to overwhelm Europe, and found that immigrants not only committed the most rapes but also committed the vast majority of sexual violence. Authorities are looking to punish Sundquist over her unauthorized findings that contradict the official globalist narrative that diversity is our strength and multiculturalism makes us stronger.

“Immigrants were just a variable, and it turned out to be quite a remarkable discovery as there were many immigrants and foreign-born people in this group,” Sundquist said.

The study analyzed 3,039 offenders and found that 59.2 percent of them were immigrants, of which a majority of that group (47.7 percent) had been born outside of Sweden. They also found that as immigrants flood into the country and commit sex crimes, fewer of the cases are solved and fewer instances of sexual violence are reported.

The Swedish Ministry of Education is now investigating the report with Sundquist and her associate, Prof. Ardavan Khoshnood, under the microscope in order to determine whether or not Sundquist and Khoshnood had “ethical license” to handle “sensitive data”...

Read More HERE


  1. This is important in that a investigation into who this information upsets should be the prime targeting of leaders who want to suppress this information and why. Government is harming the people who expose this information while going deaf, dumb and blind to the people who are hurting their citizens. This is also occurring in the US with the non-prosecution of Antifa or black looters who are burning, raping and looting my fellow countrymen. This is deliberate lawlessness by government, what is their end goal? Their silence should scare the hell out of you.

  2. Those darned "immigrants"...

    I wonder why it is that they can't stay home and make their own country stronger. Oh, I know why, because their own dysfunctional POS governments don't hand them cash every month and at home they don't get free housing, food and iPhones!

    Everyone on earth knows this is what's going on but it's now a crime to point it out.

    We're all doomed.


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