90 Miles From Tyranny : Omicron The Savior!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Omicron The Savior!



  1. I wish and hope that is true. The problem I see is the Covid virus is a corona virus, no matter the variant. I would guess I have had a cold at least fifty times in my lifetime (I'm 72). There has never been a vaccine for the cold virus and probably never will.

  2. They are laughing all the way to the bank.

  3. Pity is, no one will listen. No one will give this doctor the time of day. Perhaps like some of our outspoken Canadian doctors, he will suddenly come down with dementia and require hospitalization. Or his small town might be shocked into literal oblivion as part of the Canadian UN Agenda reset.

    I WANT people to listen. But here in my world, they are all deaf to the truth.

  4. It is the Cowpox version of Covid.


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