90 Miles From Tyranny : The Jan. 6 DISTRACTION: Glenn & President Trump on Overcoming America’s REAL Challenges

Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Jan. 6 DISTRACTION: Glenn & President Trump on Overcoming America’s REAL Challenges


  1. I remember in 2016 when Beck was raving about what a jerk Trump was and how he should never be president. I guess he sees which side his bread is buttered on. I think Beck is just a money grubber posing as an alt-right conservative.

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  3. Glenn Beck: the patriot that urged us to vote for Hillary because, whatever crap he was eating that day.

    During the BLM riots, I literally heard him say that it was our moral duty and obligation to stand still and allow the BLM/antifa thugs to slap, beat, and assault us while watching them burn our cities because whatever crap he was eating that day. I heard those words come out of his mouth as I turned on the radio while waiting for my wife to return from a medical appointment.

    That whimpering, pandering POS should go back to the bottle and leave the rest of us alone. He has squandered whatever credibility he ever had.


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