90 Miles From Tyranny : Tim Pool unbelievably swatted AGAIN, right after criticizing cancel culture activist Nandini Jammi

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Tim Pool unbelievably swatted AGAIN, right after criticizing cancel culture activist Nandini Jammi

Independent journalist Tim Pool was swatted for a second time on Tuesday, seven hours after he criticized a Soros-backed cancel culture activist named Nandini Jammi, who had previously announced a “day of reckoning” for right-wing pundits.

Although there is no evidence yet that Jammi had anything to do with the incident, her group “Check My Ads” has been fomenting hatred against those she accuses of spreading disinformation and “inciting insurrection.” The group made a video that included Pool, who is ostensibly not a conservative or on the right. Prominent conservatives such as Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, and others also made the cut.

In early January, police entered Pool’s studio while he was on the air. They were answering a fake distress call from someone who claimed that there was an active shooter on his property who had killed two people. Something similar happened Tuesday evening. Pool gave very limited details on the incident because of ongoing security risks but he did say it was worse than the first time, according to the Post Millennial.

“People are going to get nuts in 2022 … What the f–k were we talking about that warranted trying to get us killed on more than one occasion?” Pool asked.

“Swatting” is very serious and has led to accidental police shootings that have killed individuals. After the first time he was “swatted,” it is puzzling why the police did not check before laying siege to Pool’s home once again. On Monday night, Pool had to remove a trespasser from his property as well.

“We will prosecute to the fullest extent considering the warning signs. Do not come here without permission,” Pool warned. “In order to get anywhere near our property you have to drive about an acre. He’s seen on camera entering the house after without permission.”

Pool responded to claims made in the video...

Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. This will become more and more common. SWATting is the tool of cowards and tyrants.


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