90 Miles From Tyranny : 3 Things I Found On Ancipient.com

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

3 Things I Found On Ancipient.com

AncipientWhat is Ancipient.com? It Is A Pro-American (Nationalist), Pro-Trump, Pro-American Exceptionalism, And Pro-Western Values automated news aggregation website.

Ancipient.com is an automated, curated, rules based news aggregation website. If I wanted it to sound sexy, I could say it uses artificial intelligence to select news articles. It does not. It uses negative and positive keywords, data rules and curation to select news articles. When other news aggregaters have not updated any new news in hours, you can always depend on my trusty robot ancipient to work 24/7 to keep you updated.

Ancipient is a new word, it means:


  1. in an initial stage of understanding; beginning to understand or learn. "he could feel ancipient knowledge growing"
  2. (of a person) learning, and improving their understanding on a topic or topics.

Oh Yeah, The Links I Promised:

WATCH: Reporter Confronts Soft-On-Crime Soros DA

Fertilizer plant fire in North Carolina continues to burn for second day, threat of explosion remains

Justin Trudeau is a Bungler and Menace to His Nation

Take a look at Ancipient.com and check it out!


  1. Well isn't that fert. plant fire tricky. Based on your post the other day about farming and corn and fertilizer pricing and their effect on inflation. Very tricky indeed.

  2. I've been reading Ancipient for a few months now. I scan to find odd stuff. Good site.


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