90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden's Infrastructure Bill Would Not Have Fixed Pittsburgh Bridge That Collapsed

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Biden's Infrastructure Bill Would Not Have Fixed Pittsburgh Bridge That Collapsed

During his trip to Pennsylvania on Friday, President Joe Biden vowed to fix “all” the bridges in the United States.

However, the Pittsburgh bridge that collapsed just before the president’s visit — and provided him with an infrastructure talking point — was not on the list to receive federal funding.

According to Fox Business, the city’s 2021 Transportation Improvement program created a list of infrastructure projects that would receive federal funding. The collapsed Forbes Avenue bridge over Fern Hollow Creek in Frick Park did not make the cut.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation rates bridges on a scale from 0-9, with 9 denoting excellent condition, NBC News reported.

The Forbes Avenue bridge received a score of 4 for both its deck and superstructure, while the substructure was given a 6. Overall, the bridge was given a rating of 4, according to NBC News.

City officials did not address why the bridge was not on the list for federal funding despite its poor score. It was originally built in 1970, making it over 50 years old.

The National Transportation Safety Board sent a team of investigators to the scene of the collapse. The board said in a tweet that the team included NTSB Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy.

Members of the NTSB go-team examine collapsed Forbes Avenue bridge Saturday in Pittsburgh. pic.twitter.com/Slo2KPz2gE

— NTSB_Newsroom (@NTSB_Newsroom) January 29, 2022

Biden already had a trip to Pennsylvania planned on Friday to tout his newly passed infrastructure law, and the bridge collapsed just hours before he was scheduled to arrive.

The president amended his schedule to include a visit to the scene of the collapse, and he attempted to use the tragedy as a rallying cry for...

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  1. Another lie from the lieingest administration ever to lie its way into office.
    Flase flag, the damn bridge was blown up prior to his arrival.


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