90 Miles From Tyranny : Maddow Edits DeSantis Remarks, Falsely Claims He Never Condemned Nazis

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Maddow Edits DeSantis Remarks, Falsely Claims He Never Condemned Nazis

Less than a week after NewsBusters caught her deceptively editing a statement provided to her by Florida Department of Health press secretary Jeremy Redfern, Maddow decided to deceive her viewers one more time before she heads out the door for a month-long hiatus; this time by editing remarks given by Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.

After discussing the recent Nazi demonstrations in Florida, Maddow quickly turned her ire on DeSantis for the false claim that he never condemned the Nazis. "In addition to this rash of Nazi incidents, in addition to the Nazi incidents themselves, kind of a follow-on scandal that’s now simmering in Florida, involving Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis," Maddow whined in an attempt to create a scandal out of nothing.

Maddow then aired the first portion of DeSantis' response to a reporter's request for the Governor to respond to the Nazi demonstrations:

DESANTIS: So what I’m gonna say is, these people…


She then cut him off and left her viewers in suspense by teasing, "I’m just gonna stop that there for a second and say what I’m gonna say is these people you can sort of guess where he's going, right?" Maddow continued ranting about the reporter's question and DeSantis' response to it: 

I mean that is the easiest, most straightforward question an American politician can get, right? Please respond to the Nazis. That’s like a long, slow softball right over the plate. Are you ready? There’s only one right answer to that and you shouldn’t have to memorize it. It’s an easy one. Please respond to the Nazis. That’s what Ron DeSantis was asked. And he starts off -- so what I’m gonna say to these people. What do you think he says next? Here’s where he went with it.  

Maddow then finally aired the Governor's response (or at least part of it):

So what I’m gonna say is, these people these Democrats who are trying to use this as some type of political issue to try to smear me as if I had something to do with it, we’re not playing their game.

Maddow immediately cut back live and in her typically smug condescending tone. "Not gonna play their game of condemning Nazis? Cause that’s a Democrat game that you don’t wanna get dragged into to muddy yourself," she scoffed. "I am not kidding when I tell you that Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis, his answer continued for another two and a half minutes, in which he talked about Joe Biden and inflation and immigration and crime. He even talked about Airbnb."

Maddow then outright lied about what DeSantis said and didn't say claiming "he never actually got around to condemning the Nazis."

Here is what Governor DeSantis actually said, including calling the pathetic road-side gathering of Nazis "jackasses":


Once again, Maddow has proven she cannot be trusted. If she tells you what day of the week it is, you should double-check...

Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. Is she the pitcher or the catcher ?

    Asking for a friend !


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