90 Miles From Tyranny : Triple Vaccinated accounted for majority of Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalisations & Deaths in England during January

Monday, February 14, 2022

Triple Vaccinated accounted for majority of Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalisations & Deaths in England during January

It is mainly the triple vaccinated population who have had to stay at home, taken up vital beds in NHS hospitals, and forced their loved ones to grieve and say goodbye to them this winter.

Because according to official data published by the UK Health Security Agency the triple vaccinated population accounted for the vast majority of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths in January.

“Get Boosted Now” has been playing like a broken record on every news channel and radio station, with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson urging Brits to get a third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine to ensure they had “full protection” against the alleged new Omicron variant of Covid-19.

But data published by the UK Health Security Agency on Thursday 10th Feb 22, confirms that the NHS turning into the National Booster Service this winter has been a complete waste of time.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England between 10th Jan and 6th feb 22. The data has been collated from table 9 found on page 34 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 6 – 2022.
Source Data

In all there were a huge 2.15 million confirmed Covid-19 cases in January, and the 886,117 of them were among the triple vaccinated population meaning they accounted for 41% of all cases. But throw the partly vaccinated and double vaccinated into the mix and we find that the vaccinated population actually accounted for 66% / 7 in every 10 Covid-19 cases in England between 10th Jan and Feb 6th,

It get’s much worse for the triple vaccinated though when it comes to “overwhelming” the NHS.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status in England between 10th Jan and 6th feb 22. The data has been collated from table 10 found on page 35 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 6 – 2022.:

Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. See. Proof. It's working. To those that died, thank you for helping us prove a point.


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