90 Miles From Tyranny : A Letter to A Man Complicit In the Covid Mass Murder Conspiracy: Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie - Ivermectin Suppression Likely Killed Millions

Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Letter to A Man Complicit In the Covid Mass Murder Conspiracy: Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie - Ivermectin Suppression Likely Killed Millions


  1. She asks how Dr. Hill can sleep at night. His God is money and he evidently got a lot to change his conclusion about Ivermectin and so he probably sleeps quite well. The corruption of science is just about complete. The credibility of the medical profession has been destroyed.

  2. Damning to be sure but those of us that were paying attention have seen from the start that the "authorities", driven by politics, power and money, were deliberately rooting for the virus (bioweapon) while it was killing us and ruining economies around the world.

    We are being culled, not just manipulated and lied to.

    Keelhauling is too good for these assholes.

  3. Looks like some wormy little man needs to be drug out of his house in the early morning, and hung from a near by tree, all for the public to see... All those involved shall pay the price for their lies...


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