90 Miles From Tyranny : Political Blackmail Empowers the American Left

Monday, March 28, 2022

Political Blackmail Empowers the American Left

Among the more famous quotations by Mao Zedong is: “All political power comes from the barrel of the gun.” However, Mao got that wrong as in the United States circa 2022 political blackmail in the hands of progressives – really, American Marxists -- is a much more effective tool than the gun.

Less than seven percent of American voters identify as being “very liberal”. Yet, thanks to the unbridled use of political blackmail, they have set the agenda since 2009. Additionally, by virtue of these tactics they are also in de facto control not only of the Democrat party but the legacy media, the education establishment, social media, and the universities. In 2021 they achieved a major milestone: absolute dominion over the Office of President of the United States.

Vladimir Lenin, one of the icons of the American Marxists, defined modern political blackmail as follows:

Political blackmail is the threat of exposing, or the actual exposure, of true, but more often invented, “stories” with the aim of causing an opponent political damage, of slandering him, of depriving him of the possibility of engaging in political activity, or of making it difficult for him.

Lenin neglected to note that in the modern era successful political blackmail is wholly dependent on the blackmailer either controlling or being in league with a compliant national media. Further, there are both overt and subtle modes in American Marxist political blackmail.

After decades long stealth infiltration, by the late 1990’s a significant percentage of the legacy media was populated by the disciples of and apologists for the radical left. Following the guidelines set out by Lenin, the never-ending search for and fabrication of “stories” about their political opponents took on a new ferocity and determination unlike any other period in American history. In other words, the overt mode of political blackmail.

In a corollary to Lenin’s guidelines, any stories about the iniquities or malfeasance of their apologists or their acolytes were suppressed as a means of coercing these compatriots into promoting the Marxist/socialist agenda and, more importantly, from straying off the reservation. Thus, the subtle mode of political blackmail.

After the turn of the century a new tactic, thanks to a new technology, evolved with the same objective of destroying or marginalizing political opponents. The oblivious and propagandized foot soldiers and their mentors began using the massive reach of social media to not only regurgitate the invented “stories” in the legacy media but to blatantly and falsely accuse others of...

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