90 Miles From Tyranny : Racism: The REAL reason the U.S. attacked Japan during World War 2.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Racism: The REAL reason the U.S. attacked Japan during World War 2.

A course titled “Global Whiteness” taught at the University of North Carolina blames the West and the United States for the war against Japan during World War II.

Among the topics discussed by students in Professor Mark Driscoll’s class are Donald Trump’s racism and “interracial hookups on campus.”

According to the syllabus obtained by Campus Reform, the course covers the concept of race since the 19th century, but it also provides revisionist narratives of American history, particularly the second world war.

It describes WWII’s Pacific theater fight as “the first global attack on white Anglo-American hegemony” and “Japan’s attempt to roll back Euro-American colonialism.”

One of the course’s required text is Theodore Allen’s “The Invention of the White Race, vol. 2: The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America.”

Driscoll, an adjunct instructor in Global Studies, says in the syllabus’s “Methods” section that he cannot “emphasize enough” the “partial and incomplete nature of professorial knowledge,” and that students have a “right and duty” to seek out “alternate truths.”.

Alternate Truths?” I would have thought “Alternate Viewpoints” might be what a college should be teaching.

There will also be readings from Ibram X. Kendi in Introduction to Racial Science, “Enlightenment or Enwhitenment?”, “Criminalization of Blackness” and “Whiteness Dispossessed (Whiteness After Obama).”

According to a syllabus previously reviewed by Campus Reform, an earlier version of the course, taught in 2019, included a class session titled “Nasty, Angry White People.”

Students in the course will be required to give a presentation based on any one of 32 listed topics.

And topics on which students can do presentations include:

— “How is Trump racist?”

— “Black/white hooking up at UNC”

— “White/Asian hooking up at UNC.”

— “White Trash”

— “Whites in Hip-hop”

— “Should white people pay reparations for slavery?”

— “War on Terror (and racialization of Muslims)”

— “Killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri”

— “1619 Project”

In his faculty page, Driscoll notes he “explores colonially influenced transformations in political and economic organization, philosophy, psychology, and literature, with a focus on...

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  1. Yet one more reason why my two remaining children at home will not be going off to college when the time comes.

  2. Should remove all govt funding from colleges. State and Fed. No more tax dollars. Remove all courses from local schools except Reading, writing, Math, science, and history/civics/geography. No opinionated teachers.

  3. I sent my sons to trade school in the mid 2000s as college had been corrupted and was too expensive. Both me and my wife had completed college and found schools at all levels were being changed. I am an Electrical Engineer and my sons both have done good in their careers, having houses, owning cars, and investing. They make more money then I do generally.

  4. I wonder what this bigot's perceptions about "white/Asian" and "white/black" "hookups" might be? Having been married to an Asian woman for just shy of 30 years, I suspect that I know more about such relationships than this POS. It isn't about "white supremacy" or "fetishism", etc. Anyone who can't see other races as just being other people IS THE RACIST.


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