90 Miles From Tyranny : This Is From An ICU Nurse's Training ... We're Completely Doomed, Aren't We?

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

This Is From An ICU Nurse's Training ... We're Completely Doomed, Aren't We?

So, wokeness has officially entered the medical field now:

Okay, let's get past the first layer of response. Some people are obese because of thyroid issues and genetics or other health reasons.

The VAST majority are obese because of simple diet and exercise. And even those who don't fit in that category are dealing with a calculation of calories in and calories out (unless you're the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka).

But now wokeness and "body positivity" are here to ruin science and medicine by claiming that obesity DOESN'T have to do with personal choices.

If this is what we are training our nurses and medical professionals to believe then we are in...

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  1. It will be unpopular to state, but obesity is ALWAYS a matter of caloric intake exceeding metabolic use of calories. Whether that is due to a metabolic issue such as hypothyroidism or not, gaining fat tissue IS a matter of eating more than you burn. While the specific statement of "overeating" is arguable in certain circumstances such as hypothyroidism, it is still "overconsumption" of calories in relation to how many calories the body currently needs. That isn't fair to make such an answer wrong-it's more of a question along the lines of "What am I thinking". Unfortunately, more of these SJW types of questions are hitting medicine as I've seen similar "wrong" answers that are trying to push a progressive agenda point.

  2. Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!

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